The benefit of installing VirtualBox using this method is that it will automatically update when a new updated version of VirtualBox is released. In this method, we will install VirtualBox from the Oracle repositories. Method 2: Install VirtualBox from the Oracle Repositories Now, the latest stable version of VirtualBox should be installed on your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system. Once the extension pack has been installed, you can start using VirtualBox by searching for “VirtualBox” in the “Applications” menu and clicking on the VirtualBox icon. In the VirtualBox Extension Pack Configuration window, read and accept the license by selecting “Ok.” $ sudo apt install virtualbox-ext-pack -y To install VirtualBox via the APT package repository, first, update the system’s package repository by issuing the following command. The negative side of this method is that it does not update when a new version is released. The benefit of installing VirtualBox using this method is that this method makes it very easy and quick to install. In this method, we will install VirtualBox using the APT package repository of Ubuntu. Method 1: Install VirtualBox Using the APT Package Repository

This tutorial covers the following two methods for installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu 20.04:

Mostly, VirtualBox is used for testing and development purposes. VirtualBox is used for installing and running multiple operating systems at the same time inside of a virtually created machine. VirtualBox is a popular open-source multi-platform virtualization application developed by Oracle.